Friday, September 21, 2012

My Media Diet Pledge

There's a media fast going on this weekend, but I just don't think I'll be able to do it.  I'm currently writing my honors thesis, and it pretty much requires that I use my laptop every day.  Also, most of my homework is online, I'm applying to medical schools online, and I need to use my cell phone because someone is contacting me about an interview in Texas.  So a total media fast just isn't possible.

But, I still want to take part.  So, I'm going to go on a media diet during all of Saturday.  I tried to think of ways I waste time with media, and I came up with a couple of ideas.

1. Websites not related to school (the list is too extensive to put here).

2. Computer games.
3. Facebook (especially BYU memes on Facebook.  Oy).
4. YouTube in general

These are the main things I will be avoiding tomorrow.  It's not a full fast, but it will be hard, and it will be good for me to get away from the things that eat up my time unnecessarily.  I don't watch TV normally, but I won't use that, use a music player, or watch movies during the 24 hours either.

Now that it's down, hopefully I'll be more dedicated to it.  I expect to be a little more productive this weekend, though I may also lose my mind.  Find out which next week!

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